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Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business)

Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business)

Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture (International Business) Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Understanding Emerging Markets. Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Understand advanced economies, developing economies, and emerging markets. Know what makes emerging markets attractive for international business. Learn how to assess the true potential of emerging markets. Evaluate the risks and challenges of emerging markets. Learn the success strategies for emerging markets. Understand corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and the crisis of global poverty. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Understanding Emerging Markets Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test Bank for Understanding Emerging Markets with 97 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the ethical and legal challenges involved with starting a firm. Most entrepreneurs overestimate their knowledge of the legal issues involved with starting and running a business. As a result, it is necessary for an entrepreneur to thoroughly review the legal issues involved to make sure that a costly mistake isn’t made. The lecture begins by discussing the most important ethical and legal issues facing a new firm, including establishing a strong ethical culture for the firm, choosing an attorney, drafting a founder’s (or shareholder’s) agreement, and avoiding legal disputes. The lecture next discusses the licenses and permits that businesses need before they can start conducting business. The lecture ends with a discussion of the different forms of business organization available to new firms, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Writing a Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Prepare the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation in the company. Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Discuss the actions founders can take to establish a strong ethical culture in their entrepreneurial ventures. 2 Describe actions taken in new firms to effectively deal with legal issues. 3 Provide an overview of the business licenses and permits that a start-up must obtain before it begins operating. 4 Identify and describe the different forms of organization available to new firms. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Preparing the Proper Ethical and Legal Foundation with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the growth strategies that are available to entrepreneurial firms. The strategies are divided into internal growth strategies and external growth strategies. The internal growth strategies include new product development, other product-related strategies, and international expansion. The external growth strategies include mergers and acquisitions, licensing, strategic alliances and joint ventures, and franchising. Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Strategies for Firm Growth. Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Identify and discuss the core internal growth strategy for entrepreneurial firms. 2 Describe additional internal product-growth strategies entrepreneurial firms can use. 3 Examine international expansion as a growth strategy. 4 Discuss different types of external growth strategies. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Strategies for Firm Growth Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Strategies for Firm Growth with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important topic of preparing for and evaluating the challenges of growth. The lecture begins with a section focused on preparing for growth, and includes sections on appreciating the nature of business growth, staying committed to a core strategy, and planning for growth. The lecture then focuses on the reasons for growth. The lecture transitions to a section on managing growth. The lecture ends with a discussion on challenges of growth, including a discussion of the managerial capacity problem and the day-to-day challenges of growing a firm. Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students how to Prepare for and Evaluate the Challenges of Growth. Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Define the term intellectual property and describe its importance. 2 Explain what a patent is and describe different types of patents. 3 Describe a trademark and explain the process entrepreneurs use to obtain one. 4 Describe a copyright and identify what a copyright can protect. 5 Describe a trade secret and understand the common causes of trade secret disputes. 6 Explain what an intellectual property audit is and identify the two primary reasons entrepreneurial firms should complete this type of audit. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Preparing for and Evaluating the Challenges of Growth with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture

Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture

Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture Few countries have witnessed economic growth as sustained and incredible as the East-Asian countries over the last 30 years. If the 21st century will be defined as the Asian Century, then the key to this achievement can be traced back to Japan’s recipe for economic success. Soon after 1860, when the country was forced to open up, Japan’s traditional cotton textile industry was wiped out by European goods. By 1914, however, the country was selling half of its automated cotton-spinner produced yarn abroad, accounting for about a quarter of the global cotton yarn exports. Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Importing Exporting and Sourcing in International Marketing. This Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Compare and contrast export selling and export marketing. 2 Identify the stages a company goes through, and the problems it is likely to encounter, as it gains experience as an exporter. 3 Describe the various national policies that pertain to exports and imports. 4 Explain the structure of the Harmonized Tariff System. 5 Describe the various organizations that participate in the export process. 6 Identify home-country export organization considerations. 7 Identify market-country export organization considerations. 8 Discuss the various payment methods that are typically used in trade financing. 9 Identify the factors that global marketers consider when making sourcing decisions. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Importing Exporting and Sourcing in Global Marketing Lecture with 112 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture

Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture

Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility. Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify the names and nationalities of the chief executives at five global companies discussed in the text. 2 Describe the different organizational structures that companies can adopt as they grow and expand globally. 3 Discuss the attributes of lean production and identify some of the companies that have been pioneers in this organizational form. 4 List some of the lessons regarding corporate social responsibility that global marketers can take away from Starbucks’ experience with Global Exchange. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Leadership Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility with 102 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources by pressing this link.
Global and International Issues Lecture (Strategic Management)

Global and International Issues Lecture (Strategic Management)

Global and International Issues Lecture (Strategic Management) This lecture explains how to identify and manage global issues in formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies. Special topics include business culture, business climate, labor unions, protectionism, tax rate variation, and management style variation across countries. Moreover, it describes how communication and business practice vary across countries so that strategic planning can be more effective. Learning Objectives of lecture: Discuss the nature of doing business globally, including labor union issues and tax rates. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of doing business globally. Discuss the global challenge facing firms, including outsourcing and reshoring. Compare and contrast American business culture versus foreign business cultures; explain why this is a strategic issue. Discuss business culture, with emphasis on Mexico, Japan, China, and India. Discuss business climate, with emphasis on Africa, China, Indonesia, India, and Mexico. By purchasing this resource, you will get: Global and International Issues Lecture Power Point Presentation Test bank for Global and International Issues Lecture with all answers. 1 file with useful notes for instructor File with teaching tips Once you will purchase this resource please write some feedback! Please Write comments as well as subscribe to our store!
Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Lecture

Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Lecture

Global marketing activities take place within the political environment of governmental institutions, political parties, and organizations through which a country’s people and rulers exercise power. That is why Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments. This Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Understand the elements of a country’s political environment that can impact global marketing activities. 2 Define international law and describe the main types of legal systems found in different parts of the world. 3 Understand the most important business issues that can lead to legal problems for global marketers. 4 Describe the available alternatives for conflict resolution and dispute settlement when doing business outside the home country. 5 In general terms, outline the regulatory environment in the European Union By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments with 91 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
The Global Trade Environment Lecture

The Global Trade Environment Lecture

It is clear that the topic of Global Trade Environment is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Trade Environment. This Global Trade Environment teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Global Trade Environment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Explain the role of the W T O in facilitating global trade relations among nations. 2 Compare and contrast the four main categories of preferential trade agreements. 3 Explain the trade relationship dynamics among signatories of N A F T A. 4 Identify the four main preferential trade agreements in Latin America and the key members of each. 5 Identify the main preferential trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region. 6 Describe the various forms of economic integration in Europe. 7 Describe the activities of the key regional organizations in the Middle East. 8 Identify the issues for global marketers wishing to expand in Africa. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Global Trade Environment Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Global Trade Environment with 89 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Motivation Concepts Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Motivation Concepts Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Motivation Concepts. Motivation Concepts resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Motivation Concepts. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the three key elements of motivation. Compare the early theories of motivation. Contrast the elements of self-determination theory and goal-setting theory. Understand the differences among self-efficacy theory, reinforcement theory, and expectancy theory. Describe the forms of organizational justice, including distributive justice, procedural justice, informational justice, and interactional justice. Identify the implications of employee job engagement for managers. Describe how the contemporary theories of motivation complement one another. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Motivation Concepts Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Motivation Concepts with 106 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources on organizational behavior please press this link!
Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture

Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture

Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Foundations of Group Behavior. Foundations of Group Behavior resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Foundations of Group Behavior. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Distinguish between the different types of groups. Describe the punctuated-equilibrium model of group development. Show how role requirements change in different situations. Demonstrate how norms exert influence on an individual’s behavior. Show how status and size differences affect group performance. Describe how issues of cohesiveness and diversity can be integrated for group effectiveness. Contrast the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Foundations of Group Behavior Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Foundations of Group Behavior with 106 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources on Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

Franchising Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on franchising. The lecture begins by discussing what franchising is and describes the steps entrepreneurs can take to establish a franchise system. The distinction between a product and trademark franchise and a business format franchise is explained. The different types of franchise agreements (e.g., individual franchise agreement, area franchise agreement, master franchise agreement) are also explained and discussed. Franchising Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Franchising. Franchising Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Explain franchising and how this form of business ownership works. 2 Describe steps entrepreneurs can take to establish a franchise system. 3 Become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a franchise system. 4 Describe actions and issues associated with a decision to buy a franchise. 5 Explain the steps an entrepreneur goes through to buy a franchise. 6 Identify and explain the various legal aspects associated with the franchise relationship. 7 Discuss two additional issues—franchise ethics and international franchising—entrepreneurs should think about when considering franchising. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Franchising Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Franchising Lecture with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture (International Business)

Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture (International Business)

Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm. Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Understand how to choose a capital structure. Understand how to raise funds for the firm. Explain how to manage working capital and cash flow. Describe how to perform capital budgeting. Explain how to manage currency risk. Understand how to manage the diversity of international accounting and tax practices. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test Bank for Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm with 102 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
What is International Business Lecture (International Business)

What is International Business Lecture (International Business)

What is International Business Lecture (International Business) Introduction – What is International Business Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students What is International Business. Introduction – What is International Business Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Describe the key concepts in international business. 2 Understand how international business differs from domestic business. 3 Identify major participants in international business. 4 Describe why firms internationalize. 5 Appreciate why you should study international business. 6 Learn the CKR Intangible Soft Skills™ and the CKR Tangible Process Tools™ to improve your employability and success in the workplace. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Introduction – What is International Business Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Introduction – What is International Business with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business)

The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business)

The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture (International Business) The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students The Cultural Environment of International Business. The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Understand culture and cross-cultural risk. 2 Learn the dimensions of culture. 3 Describe the role of language and religion in culture. 4 Describe culture’s effect in international business. 5 Learn models and explanations of culture. 6 Understand managerial implications of culture. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 The Cultural Environment of International Business Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for The Cultural Environment of International Business with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business)

Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business)

Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture (International Business) Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture is a lecture which is covered during International Business module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students Political and Legal Systems in National Environments. Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** Describe political and legal environments in international business. Understand political systems. Understand legal systems. Describe the participants in political and legal systems. Identify types of country risk produced by political systems. Identify types of country risk produced by legal systems. Know about managing country risk. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Political and Legal Systems in National Environments with 100 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Business you may find by pressing this link!
The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship)

The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture (Entrepreneurship) This lecture focuses on the important topic of intellectual property. The lecture begins by talking about the importance of intellectual property, and discusses how to determine which intellectual property to legally protect. The four key forms of intellectual property are then introduced, including patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets. The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Entrepreneurship module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students The Importance of Intellectual Property. The Importance of Intellectual Property Lecture will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or seminar on The Importance of Intellectual Property and moreover assess students with the help of attached test bank. **LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: ** 1 Define the term intellectual property and describe its importance. 2 Explain what a patent is and describe different types of patents. 3 Describe a trademark and explain the process entrepreneurs use to obtain one. 4 Describe a copyright and identify what a copyright can protect. 5 Describe a trade secret and understand the common causes of trade secret disputes. 6 Explain what an intellectual property audit is and identify the two primary reasons entrepreneurial firms should complete this type of audit. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Unique Marketing Issues Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Unique Marketing Issues with 75 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Entrepreneurship you may find by pressing this link!
Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing Lecture is very important. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in International Marketing. This Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Identify the variables that global marketers can use to segment global markets and give an example of each. 2 Explain the criteria that global marketers use to choose specific markets to target. 3 Understand how global marketers use a product-market grid to make targeting decisions. 4 Compare and contrast the three main target market strategy options. 5 Describe the various positioning options available to global marketers. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Segmentation Targeting and Positioning in Global Marketing with 101 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Accounting for Income Taxes Test Bank (Intermediate Accounting)

Accounting for Income Taxes Test Bank (Intermediate Accounting)

Accounting for Income Taxes Test Bank and Assessment This test bank and assessment is covering Accounting for Income Taxes Topic which is covered by Intermediate Accounting Module Students. With the help of this test bank set you will be able to assess your students on this topic. Accounting for Income Taxes Bank Set containing different types of questions such as: Multiple Choice questions; True/Falls questions; Open-ended questions; Accounting for Income Taxes Test Bank will help you to assess following learning objectives of the students: • Define book income and taxable income; compute income tax expense and income taxes payable when there are no book-tax differences. • Discuss permanent differences and calculate income tax expense and income taxes payable when there are permanent differences. • Explain temporary differences and illustrate the balance sheet approach of accounting for deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. • Explain and demonstrate how to assess and report the realizability of deferred tax assets. • Illustrate the effects of a change in tax rates. • Determine the accounting for net operating losses (NOLs), including NOL carry backs and carry forwards and the valuation of related deferred tax assets. • Explain and demonstrate accounting for uncertain tax positions. • Describe the financial statement presentation of the income tax accounts. • Detail required disclosures for income taxes Accounting for Income Taxes Test Bank and Assessment Set contains 201 questions which will fully cover assessment process on this topic and will make your life easier. All answers to all questions are included which will make checking process faster. Test bank for Accounting for Income Taxes is in the WORD format which will let you make any adjustments if required. Please leave your feedback once you will use this resource, it will help us to improve our teaching resources!
The External Assessment Lecture (Strategic Management)

The External Assessment Lecture (Strategic Management)

The External Assessment Lecture (Strategic Management) This lecture describes how to perform an external strategic-management audit, including what variables to access, where to find information, how to assimilate external information so that it may provide a foundation for formulating strategies. Moreover, this lecture describes how to develop a Competitive Profile Matrix and an External Factor Evaluation Matrix, two widely utilized strategic planning tools. It is also revealing special, free sources of external strategic information on the Internet. It is vital for companies and organizations to identify and prioritize the relative importance of key external opportunities and threats facing the firm, so the firm can deploy assets/resources to exploit the opportunities and avoid or mitigate the threats. Survival of the firm can hinge on this part of strategic planning being done well, so that is why this lecture is very important. This part of strategic planning requires that an engineering hunt for the facts be conducted, to avoid a strategic plan being based on vague generalities, which is detrimental both to companies and students performing case analysis. Learning Objectives of lecture: Describe the nature and purpose of an external assessment in formulating strategies. Identify and discuss 10 external forces that impact organizations. Explain Porter’s Five-Forces Model and its relevance in formulating strategies. Describe key sources of information for identifying opportunities and threats. Discuss forecasting tools and techniques. Explain how to develop and use an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix. Explain how to develop and use a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). By purchasing this resource, you will get: The External Assessment Lecture Power Point Presentation Test bank for The External Assessment Lecture / Seminar with all answers 1 file with useful notes for instructor File with teaching tips Once you will purchase this resource please write some feedback! You may also like: Business Vision and Mission (Strategic Management) The Nature of Strategic Management (Strategic Management)